How the Armor and Shield Mechanics Work in Xenonauts 2

Do you seek to know how the Armor and Shield Mechanic work in Xenonauts 2? Well, here’s a brief guide describing how the Armor and Shield Mechanics Work in Xenonauts 2.

Coined by Developer Goldhawk Interactive and published by Hooded Horse, Xenonauts 2 is a strategy game where you have to control a multinational military organization whose objective is to eliminate an impending extraterrestrial threat. In the game, while working from the shadows, you must engage the growing alien presence and seek it out wherever it emanates from.

For one thing, the game allows players to expand and manage a covert network of bases across the universe. In addition, you can research or seek development to bridge the technological gap with the alien invaders while arming, training and commanding your ground troops wherever the alien threat spawn.

Now assuming you intend finding out how the Armor and Shield Mechanics Work in Xenonauts 2, here’s a comprehensive guide to assist you.

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How the Armor and Shield Mechanics Work in Xenonauts 2

How the Armor and Shield Mechanics Work in Xenonauts 2

In the following guide, we’ll be explaining how the Armor mechanic and Shield Mechanic work in Xenonauts 2 respectively;

• Armor Mechanic

Armor mechanic tends to be sophisticated. This is simply because weapons possess two key feature that includes; armor damaging and armor piercing.

For the unaware, Armor consists of an attribute known as hardened resistance. Once you are hit by an attack, the damage you suffer depends on the weapon’s power. It is usually a random value that ranges from 50 to 150% of its base power and adjusted by distance.

The armor receives damage that in turn reduces its effectiveness for subsequent hits. As a result, the amount of damage that your armor blocks depends on the weapon’s armor piercing value as subtracted from the armor’s hardened resistance.

• Shield Mechanic

Just like what’s observed in Xenonauts 1 but refined, the shield in Xenonauts 2 functions in a similar way. It begins with 80 HP and loses HP with each direct hit.

Wrapping Up

So that’s it on how the Armor and Shield Mechanic work in Xenonauts 2.

Michael Santos

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