How to Unlock DLC Using CreamInstaller for Free

Ever heard of CreamInstaller, one of the popular DLC unlockers for video games? Well, if you’re looking how to use CreamAPI, below’s how to unlock DLC for free using CreamInstaller tool.

Depicting a third-party software, CreamInstaller is a program that allows gamers to unlock downloadable content (DLC) and other additional content in most video games. The tool is mostly used in bypassing DRM (Digital Rights Management) protections in video games as it enables lots of modifications that includes accessing DLC, all for free.

Now, with the aid of CreamInstaller, gamers can categorically unlock DLC content that, under normal circumstances, require payment processes. Furthermore, the software is also capable of repairing Paradox Launcher, this is in addition to its ability to generate and install DLC unlockers for any game or DLC you selects.

So without further deliberations, here’s a quick guide on how to use CreamInstaller to unlock the DLC of any video game for free.

How to Use CreamInstaller to Unlock DLC for Free

How to unlock DLC for free using CreamInstaller tool.

With the exception of GOG, CreamInstaller as a free DLC unlocker tool works on almost all platforms. Now, assuming you intend to unlock DLC for your desired games on various platforms like Epic Games, Steam, or Ubisoft, then here’s how to use CreamInstaller effectively.

Firsly, navigate to this Github link, click on Releases, and download the latest version of CreamInstaller.

Next, extract using WinRAR or any other software and double-click to open the .exe file.

Now wait, CreamInstaller will find all the installed games on your PC automatically.

Once completed, head on and select the game you want to unlock its DLC and click OK.

How to Unlock DLC Using CreamInstaller for Free

Next, wait for the gathering and caching process to finish, and click on the plus (+) sign next to the game to see a list of DLCs to unlock. (Deselect the ones you do not want).

Once that’s done, enable Koaloader, then click on the Generate and Install button to unlock the selected DLCs.

Note: Most games work fine with Koaloader turned on. However, for games such as Deep Rock Galactic, DLC may not unlock if you turn on this option.

Lastly, you can now open the game you just unlocked its DLC, and you’re good to go.

How to Unlock DLC Using CreamInstaller for Free

Final Words

Summarily, that’s it on how to use CreamInstaller to unlock aas well as obtain free DLCs for almost all you popular games across different platforms. Was this article helpful? We’d like to hear from you.

Michael Santos

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