Overwatch 2 Custom Map Game Codes For Aim Training

Searching for the best aim training in OW2? Then you’ve arrived at the right channel. Here are Overwatch 2 Custom Map Game Codes For Aim Training and their respective features that would probably improve your headshot accuracy.

In Overwatch 2, Aiming rightly is one of the predominant factors to be considered during combat. However, there are lots of new players out there who tend to encounter complications due to the high-octane nature of the matches during gameplay.

Moreover, standing by watching your adversaries in the game jump around and flank you off, might throw you to a discombobulated state of utter bewilderment. 

Nevertheless, there is a means via which you will be able to practice your aim with bots. It moves in similar manner like players do in-game using custom maps codes.

That been said, listed below are the best Overwatch 2 Aim Trainer Custom Map Codes that would assist you with aim training in Overwatch 2 during the gameplay.

Aim Trainer Custom Map Codes for Overwatch 2 (OW2) 

Overwatch 2 Custom Game Codes For Aim Training

There are numerous challenges with aim trainer maps. Some of these challenges includes constantly moving opponents, jumping opponents, and enemies that are able to throw offensive attack. 

So playing with the settings might mean paving the way for a difficult outing for you. Though with constant practice, your aim will surely improve. 

Having said that here’s a list of the best Aim Trainer Workshop Maps in Overwatch 2 you should check out right now. 

Read Also: Xenonauts 2 Beginners Guide

Overwatch 2 Custom Map Game Codes List

Overwatch 2 Custom Game Codes For Aim Training

Here’s the list of Overwatch 2 Custom Map Game Codes For Aim Trainer you’d need right now. 


• 6CJXR1




• CT04V


Features of Overwatch 2 Custom Map Game Codes 

Overwatch 2 Custom Map Game Codes are of paramount importance during the gameplay. So if you’re looking for what they have to offer, outlined below are the features and how to utilize these custom map codes in-game as opined by the creators of the useful maps.


At this point in the map is where you can be able to fight an entire bot enemy team and see the kind of damage you do to them. Also, it is where you can bring friends along to fight them in the Junkertown to see which heroes work the best for everybody during gameplay. 

2. 6CJXR1

Overwatch 2 Custom Game Codes For Aim Training

The setting of this map is in Lijiang Tower. It features flying heroes that are tough to kill rapidly unless the aim is refined.


This is where all the heroes move naturally. Practicing here can prove to be useful in actual matches in the game map.

4. AA5QQ

Overwatch 2 Custom Game Codes For Aim Training

The essence of this map is to create an avenue to test out your response time especially when you see a target. Quick reflexes happens to be one of the reasons why seasoned players manage to get those headshots accurately even while playing as a sniper. Though with constant practice, it will come easily as you eventually master the act.

5. GBM5N  

Overwatch 2 Custom Game Codes For Aim Training

Here you have to fight enemies that move side to side and jump so as to practice those headshots. You also have to try getting as many eliminations as possible within a given time limit with some of the heroes.

6. CT04V

This is where the opponents in the map move like players normally do and they shoot back. Here, you can check your accuracy, eliminations per minute and also switch up the difficulty as you wish. 

In addition, you can practice shooting Genji players who constantly flank you or Mercy players who never touch the ground here if you’re annoyed by them. 

There are various skills like hitting flying heroes you can practice in this custom map. Also your headshot accuracy will get better you’re able to predict the next movement of the enemy.

How to Import and Use Custom Map Codes in Overwatch 2

As a new Overwatch player trying to have a taste of Custom games, here’s a brief guide on how to join the already created maps and hero settings needed for better performance during the gameplay. 

• First, From the mode selection screen, click on Custom Games.

• Next Click on the orange Create button.

• Now From the options at the top right of the screen, click on Settings.

• Go ahead, import a map by clicking on the downwards arrow button.

• Once done, Type the aim training map code in Overwatch 2 here and hit OK.

• Now as the information loads up, press ESC to go back.

• Next, Click on Start.

• Lastly Spawn into the map and you are ready to play.

So that’s it on the best Overwatch 2 Custom Map Game Codes For Aim Training, Aim Trainer OW2 custom map codes and how to import or use them during gameplay.

Michael Santos

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