It is now about two decades, the Shenmue developer and hit man, Yu Suzuki is opportuned to continue his work with Shenmue 3 and is now available for PC and PS4. All glory be to the support of fans via Kickstarter who ensured the continuity of the franchise. However, the game suffered a set and didn’t thrive as was expected. It was a big disaster and receive great criticism from both players and fans.
But it came to pass that fans began developing worries again pertaining the next series of the game expected to be released in the future. Howbeit it appears currently that the director has no future plans for any upcoming title in his franchise. According to his statement, that said
he for now, he has no plans for a Shenmue 4, that if eventually he bounces back to work with the franchise, he intends making the game more accessible to new players who are not familiar with his work.
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He also revealed that with Shenmue III, he did made the game to please his fans and that made the game to look unfriendly to newcomers, leaving newcomers “feeling left behind”. In other publications, Yu Suzuki stated that in as much as he still intends continuing the franchise, he now needs to think about what will be best for his studio by inventing a game that will be profitable.
Here are Yu Suzuki’s words..
“With Shenmue 3, I really answred to fan requests, so I wasn’t necessarily thinking about making money. But since I’m now running a business, I have to think about what it can sell if I want to keep going”.