If you are looking for the Rarest Minecraft Mobs, here in this article are the best Minecraft Rarest Mobs you’d check out right now.
In Minecraft, there are a plethora number of differing mobs roaming around the game’s vast open-world. These mobs comprises friendly mobs and many others that are too hazardous or hostile to harm your character in the game. Mobs in Minecraft usually appear based on their rarity with some appearing frequently and others seen once in a while.
In essence, some of the mobs are rare to come across while others are seen roaming around the map. So if you’re looking for the rarest mobs in Minecraft, then here are some of the best Minecraft rarest mobs you need to check now.
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Minecraft Rarest Mobs
Here are some of the rarest mobs you might encounter during the gameplay. These rare mobs mostly have less than a 1% chance of spawning in the vast open world. So assuming you’re looking forward to finding these rare mobs in Minecraft, then here are some of the Minecraft rarest mobs you need to check now;
• Evoker
• Brown Mooshrooms
° Jockeys
• Polar Bear
• Parrots
1. Evoker
This mob is a type of Illager mob that is rare to be found. They are hostile and extremely dangerous, though you can easily kill them for a drop. Once you kill this mob, you’ll get a Totem of Undying as a drop. These mobs spawn in Woodland mansions and different raids.
2. Brown Mooshrooms
Brown Mooshrooms are all together a different kind of mob. They are mushroom-covered variants of cows that are found in the rare mushroom fields. However, they do not naturally spawn, they only spawn when the Red Mooshrooms are struck by lightning. As a result of the conditions, it becomes almost impossible for brown Mooshrooms to spawn on the open world of Minecraft.
3. Jockeys
Jockeys are the rarest mobs you can encounter in Minecraft. They are usually a combination of many hostile mobs that can attack your character. It is very difficult to separate a jockey from its riders. Jockeys can only be separated from their riders only if one of them is killed.
One of the rare to-find mobs that have less than 1% chance of spawn is Chicken Jockey or Baby Zombified Piglin. The Skeleton Horseman, Spider Jockey, and Chicken Jockey are other several Jockeys among the few officially named in Minecraft.
4. Polar Bear
The Polar Bear suggests neutral and friendly mobs that only attacks you if provoked. Normally these mobs are found in the cold icy biomes and are harmless once they are unprovoked. However, they can harm your character once they see you as a threat to them or their cub. There is no conventional way to tame the polar bear, so look out for these mobs because they can affect your health adversely.
5. Parrot
The parrot is another mob that is rare to be encountered. You can only find them in the rarest biomes or the Jungle Biome in Minecraft. The spawn chances of these mobs is 20% and can be found in groups. The Parrot mobs will sit on your shoulder upon taming and recruiting them.
So that’s it on the top best rarest mobs you can find in Minecraft.