Last Train Home – Soldier Traits for Expeditions Explained. In here’s a brief guide on Last Train Home: Soldier Traits for Expeditions.
Last Train Home is a challenging survival game that pushes players to their limits and back. It is a real-time strategy game in which players order specialized squads around rural battlefields.
The storyline narrates of how the Great War ended but the struggle goes on. You have to lead a legion of troops who are trying to flee the carnage of the civil war and find their way home. Take them on an armored rail ride into the harsh countryside of Siberia.
In Last Train Home, Brace yourselves to confront the merciless Red Army, to endure the gnawing pangs of hunger and attempt to survive by managing your staff and available supplies.
Without further deliberations, if you’re looking for Soldier Traits for Expeditions in the game, here’s a brief but comprehensive guide to check out right now.
Soldier Traits for Expeditions

Once you click on POI, it shows small icons for beneficial traits like hunter, burglar et cetera.
When you assemble a squad, it also shows all the perks’ icons on the top of the card each specific for that squad. They are generally marked as green for expedition.
Remember, all the perks that your squad got once its assembled are shown on the top of the squad.
Always go with the good perks (which can be hard because not a lot of soldiers got them).
Note that 80% time, they won’t look at them and only when they look at them, they matter at all.
Lastly, there is a chance they will look at negative traits or extremely rare conditions like hunger.
Basically, think of it as a roll of a d20.
For example:
1. You f.
2-5. It looks at negative traits.
6-12. You get absolutely nothing.
13-16. Event.
17-18. Minor reward.
19-20. Minor reward unless have bonus traits for bonus rewards.
That’s all you do need to know on Last Train Home Soldier Traits for Expeditions. Happy gaming.