No Man’s Sky Tips to Finding Last Species on a Planet guide. Literally, Every star in No Man’s Sky is the reflection of a far-off sun, and you can go to any of its planets to find life.
You will find locations and animals in this limitless, randomly generated universe that no other player has ever seen before and may never see again.
And without loading screens or restrictions, you can glide effortlessly from a planetary surface to a deep space location. With that said, here’s No Man’s Sky: How to Find That One Last Species on a Planet guide to look up right now.
How to Find That One Last Species on a Planet
In No Man’s Sky, the two most common “last fauna to find” are the Rare Underwater and Rare Underground.
Rare Underwater: This is usually a predator commonly found in deep water. It is located at least 500U from any land mass.
Rare Underground: This is commonly found at cave entrances around POIs. They can be burrowers and glitch through the terrain onto the planet surface. To find them, walk around above ground and point your visor down as you walk. Upon spotting the red dots underground, just tunnel down to them.
More Explanation of the Discoveries table hints

Each species will list many factors to assist in locating them. You need to use the data in the top right of your analysis visor to be in the right place at the right time.
(Common / Uncommon / Rare)
For these creatures, how often they will appear will also determine the base value of the scan (rarer pay more).
It’s is factored by the planetary overall Fauna setting (Full, Rich, Generous, Abundant, Ordinary, Deficient etc – a common creature in a sparsely populated planet will seem rarer than an uncommon creature in a fully populated planet).
It is self-explanatory where you will see the fauna. Low-flying like butterflies are classed as Flying. Tunnellers (e.g. the spiral creatures that go above and below the surface) are classed as Ground. As for Crabs, they are Underwater.
Time active:
{Always/Diurnal/Nocturnal (Mostly)}
The Diurnal (daytime) and Nocturnal can both appear at dawn and dusk, otherwise pretty self-explanatory. Never try searching for a Diurnal in the middle of the night. Those marked as “Mostly” can rarely appear at any time.
(Found in the North/South)
This defines what hemisphere the creature can appear in. You only need to be over the equator (+ latitude for North, – latitude for South). Probably, you don’t need to be anywhere near the north or south poles.
That’s it on No Man’s Sky Tips to Finding Last Species on a Planet guide. Happy gaming.