Portal 2 Cheats (Console Commands)

Looking for easy way to crash the game or spawn stuffs? Here’s all the currently working Portal 2 cheats (Console Commands) and how to Enable the console in-game.

Developed by Valve Corporation, Portal 2 is the sequel to the popular award game, Portal that features a single-player story. It is a unique first-person Action-Puzzle game that tests player’s ability to think and act creatively as they use the game’s ingenious mind-bending puzzle.

In this first-person perspective puzzle game, players take charge of Chell in the single-player campaign, either as one of two the robots. The game features a single player story that narrates of how after many years “Portal,” Chell reawakens at Aperture Science and tries to stop GLaDOS once again with the help of Wheatley.

For the unaware, the game’s two-player cooperative mode features its own entirely separate campaign with a unique story, test chambers, and two new players. So assuming you intend finding a way to mess around and crash the game, here’s all the valid Portal 2 Cheats (Console Commands) to check out right now.

Read Also: NecroVisioN Cheat Codes & Console Commands

Portal 2 Cheats (Console Commands)

Portal 2 Cheats (Console Commands)

Here’s a quick guide on all the working Portal 2 Console Commands and how to Enable the console in-game.

Companion Cube – ent_create_portal_companion_cube

Cube – ent_create_portal_weighted_cube

Reflector Cube – ent_create_portal_reflector_cube

Old Cube – ent_create_portal_weighted_antique

Edgeless Safety Cube – ent_create_portal_weighted_sphere

Turret – npc_create npc_portal_turret_floor

Fat Turret – prop_dynamic_create npcs/turret/turretwife

Frankenturret – ent_create prop_monster_boxWheatley – ent_create npc_personality_core

Wheatley GLaDOS – prop_dynamic_create npcs/glados/glados_wheatley_newbody

Wheatley GLaDOS boss – prop_dynamic_create npcs/glados/glados_wheatley_boss

GLaDOS – prop_dynamic_create npcs/glados/glados_animation

Erase Gel – ent_create_paint_bomb_erase

Repulsion Gel(Jump) – ent_create_paint_bomb_jump

Propulsion Gel(Speed) – ent_create_paint_bomb_speed

Conversion Gel(Portable) – ent_create_paint_bomb_portal

Shoot Rocket – fire_rocket_projectileEnergy Pellet – fire_energy_ball

Spawn a Door – give prop_testchamber_door

Spawn a Laser – ent_create env_portal_laser (Always faces one way, use reflector cube)

Security Camera – ent_create npc_security_camera

Button on stand – ent_create prop_button

Error prop – ent_create prop_dynamic

How to Change Environment

Turn Cheats On – sv_cheats 1 (0=off, 1=on)

Portals Work Anywhere – sv_portal_placement_never_fail # (0=off, 1=on)

Change Gravity – sv_gravity # (600=default)

Change Game Speed – host_timescale # (1=default, 0.5=half speed, 2=double speed)

Change Frankenturret Velocity – sv_monster_turret_velocity # (100=default)

Activate Excursion Funnel Emitter – ent_fire !picker enable

Turrets Target Cameras – ent_fire !picker addoutput "spawnflags 512"

Burn Objects (you have to look at what you want to burn) – ent_fire !picker ignite

Remove Objects (may crash game and you have to look at what you want to remove ) – ent_remove

Remove All Portals – ent_fire prop_portal fizzle

Change Maps – changelevel "map name"

Player Modifications

Turrets Don’t Shoot You – notarget

Kill Yourself – kill

Kill Atlas(multiplayer) – kill blue

Kill P-Body(multiplayer) – kill red

Invincibility(don’t take any damage) – god

Fly(can fly through walls) – noclip

Teleport Atlas (teleports where you look) ent_teleport blue

Teleport P-Body (teleports where you look) – ent_teleport red

Flashlight – impulse 100

Remove Portal Gun (can still shoot) – impulse 200

Regain Portal Gun: give_portalgun

Potato Portal Gun(portalgun w/ GLaDOS) – upgrade_potatogun

Move Portal Gun Left/Right – viewmodel_offset_x # (0=default)

Move Portal Gun Forward/Back – viewmodel_offset_y # (0=default)

Move Portal Gun Up/Down – viewmodel_offset_z # (0=default)

First-Person View – firstperson

Third-Person View – thirdperson

Third-Person Shoulder View – thirdpersonshoulder

Show FPS – cl_showfps 1 (0=off, 1=fps, 2=smooth fps, 3=server MS, 4=show fps and log to file)


bind – bind "button" "command"

ex – bind "m" npc_create npc_portal_turret_floor

Portal 2: How To Spawn Items/Stuff

In Portal 2 game, while in the console you can type things down but to spawn items such as Turrets, and cube you need to type it down in the console. For example, if you type “npc_create npc_portal_turret_floor” it will spawn a turret.

Note: If you want to know how to spawn other items, look it up above.

Portal 2: How To Enable Console

To begin, if you want to start portal 2;

Once you get in-game, click Single Player /Multiplayer (depending on the mode you’re playing).

Next, choose a test and when in the test, click the Esc button then click
Options – Keyboard/Mouse.

Find the setting called Enable Conlsole and turn toggle it on.

That’s it.

Wrapping Up

So that is it on all the currently working Portal 2 cheats (Console Commands) and how to Enable the console in-game.

Michael Santos

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