Rise Of The White Sun Cheat Codes | Console Commands

In here’s a list of the working Rise Of The White Sun Cheat Codes | Console Commands you should take advantage of right now for a scintillating gameplay.

Rise of the White Sun is the most comprehensive strategy game set during the Chinese Warlord era. The game explores a brand-new world rife with mystery, shady deals, and dangerous military operations. With this experience, there’s no turning back from dull WW2 grand strategy games after seeing the mayhem of 1920s China.

It’s a game about the shady political intrigues in Republican China where you have to play as one of the Kuomintang key figures or create your own character· The game is the most immersive grand strategy game set in the Chinese Warlord era.

Rise Of The White Sun is a captivating game that task players to delve into a new world filled with intrigue, murky plots, and treacherous military ventures. With that said, here’s a list of the working cheat codes for Rise Of The White Sun game you should check out right now.

Read Also: Cultic Cheat Codes (Console Commands)

Rise Of The White Sun Cheats Codes & Console Commands

Cheat codes for this game were developed for the aim of replicating bugs or playtesting. In situations of a typical gaming environment, they should function flawlessly, although unusual interactions might happen.

Rise Of The White Sun Power Cheats

wearefamily – Your character’s loyalty is now maximum

yollo – Gives max resources to all your characters.

megayollo – Same as [yollo], but stronger.

tycoon – All your district policies progress to 100% (useful to explore the policy tree).

sepuku – Kills your character (and yes, that is super useful).

biggun – Fills your faction’s armory with goodies (what will you do with these 2000 armored trains?)


redsu – Launches a Communist uprising in Shanghai.

rsu – Launches the Shanghai uprising with your faction, to reclaim the International concessions.

su – Launches the Shanghai uprising with your faction.

resolvesu – Resolves an ongoing Shanghai uprising.

shanghaicarnage – Ends the Shanghai uprising for the defending side.

rfos – Ends the Shanghai uprising with a victory for the uprising side.

bluesu – Created to playtest the Shanghai massacre from a GMD point of view.

inthenavy – During the Shanghai uprising, transfer the gunboat to your side.

lacavaleriearrive – The Bai Chongxi HQ appears on the Shanghai map (this is of no real use outside the Shanghai uprising scenario).

trafalgars – During the Shanghai uprising, the gunboat leaves the battlefield.

falluk – During the Shanghai uprising, destroyes imperialist units.

showspots – Makes the spots where units can move more visibles on the Shanghai map.

myshanghai – Congratulations, Shanghai is yours now (to be used on the main China map).

unlockshanghai – Unlocks the Shanghai map (not really useful for most of the factions).

Guangzhou – Hong Kong

bluecanton – Guangzhou becomes controlled by the Guomindang.

chencanton – Guangzhou becomes controlled by Chen Jiongming.

evacuatecanton – Units in Guangzhou are ordered to retreat.

oldsouth – Activates the Guangzhou government in its 1921 form.

hongkongstrike – The Guangzhou Strike Committee will appear on the map (with a vitality of only 5).

hkturbostrike – Gets the Hong Kong strike on fast track.

starthkstrike – Triggers a dialogue with Borodin to start the strike. Will certainly produce strange effects with non relevant factions.

countcantonunit – Will tell you how many units they are in Guangzhou (looking at the map should be quicker…)


Bogdbreaksfree – Clears Urga from all units and turns it to rebels.

Tibet & Xikang

angrylama – Test for monks revolt all across Xikang.


punksinpekin – Makes sure there is a police unit in Beijing and tests for local revolt.

harosurpekin – Some variation of the code above. Gives you control of Beijing garrison.

whitepekin – Ungern will control Beijing (some events may fire twice, leading to strange effects).


wuhangov – Replaces the Guangzhou government by the Wuhan government and turns most of Hubei as Guomindang territory.

Unlock Characters

gologqueen – The Golog Queen joins you.

duanqirui – Duan Qirui joins you.

choekyinyima – The Panchen Lama joins you.

grigorisemenov – Some White Russian legendary bastard joins you.

puyi – The last Qing Emperor joins you.

greenfriend – Befriend the Green Gang / Huang Jinrong joins you.

Strange Effects Cheat Codes

countchar – Will tell you how many different characters there is in the game (counting even dead and inactive characters).

run! – The selected unit retreats.

shenornothing – If Shen Hongying is in game, he creates his own faction. and you now play as him.

coin1920 – Many warlords in Little Model China will now be more interested about fighting Communism and building things in their province.

endgame – Next turn will be the last turn.

nearendgame – You will be 3 turns from the last turn.

endgamesandbox – Will advance you to the last turn but will then add 60 more turns (may break the game after 1928).

youdieofdisentery – Selected character is now sick.

suicideispainless – Selected character is now depressed.

More Cheat Codes

miamivice – Grants you anti-smuggling brigades and opium suppression offices in every district under your control.

thepartyneverends – Extends the game’s duration by an additional 100 turns.

cantonragtime – Originally intended for playtesting purposes only, this cheat code may produce unexpected results if used in the wrong scenario or with the wrong faction. It triggers the 1927 Guangzhou Uprising. Use with caution!

How to Enable Console

To enable console, type [C] to open the cheat console, then type the desired command from the above list of codes.

Michael Santos

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