Looking for Secret Neighbor hacks with scintillating features like Infinite Coins and Coupons? Here’s a comprehensive list of all the available Secret Neighbor Script Pastebin you should use.
Inspired by the famous Hello Neighbor, Roblox Secret Neighbor is a recently published horror game that requires strategic thinking skills. It debuted in 2023 and was coined by devs known as Secret Neighbors.
The game is set in a colorful cartoon beautified environment where you must work together with other players to save your friend from his neighbor’s basement where he’s held captive.
In the game, you have to embark on a mission to explore the neighbor’s home, find keys that are paramount in unlocking the basement as well as solve puzzles. However, you must be cautious of the neighbor whose aim is to make your progress futile.
Per se, Secret Neighbor is a nice and addictive game that features variety of interesting scenes. Now if you intend finding some cool hacks to enable you override the Secret Neighbor, below is a list of the valid Secret Neighbor script Pastebin and hacks you’d require in-game.
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Secret Neighbor Script

From infinite coins to hacks like coupons and yet more features, there many attributes associated with Secret Neighbor scripts. Therefore Without further deliberations here’s a list of the working Roblox Secret Neighbor script Pastebin Hack you’d need for the best gameplay.
(Infinite Coupons)--Coupons local args = { [1] = -999999, [2] = { ["Scout"] = {}, ["Butcher"] = {}, ["Bagger"] = {}, ["Brave"] = {}, ["Detective"] = {}, ["Engineer"] = {}, ["Scary"] = {}, ["Custom"] = {}, ["Clown"] = {}, ["Leader"] = { ["A_Leader_Advanced_01_LEGS"] = "A_Leader_Advanced_01_LEGS" } }, [3] = "A_Leader_Advanced_01_LEGS", [4] = "Leader", [5] = "Coupons" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteFunctions.BuyItemFunction:InvokeServer(unpack(args))
Script 2
(Infinite Coins)--Coins local args = { [1] = -999999, [2] = { ["Scout"] = {}, ["Butcher"] = {}, ["Bagger"] = {}, ["Brave"] = {}, ["Detective"] = {}, ["Engineer"] = {}, ["Scary"] = {}, ["Custom"] = {}, ["Clown"] = {}, ["Leader"] = { ["A_Leader_Advanced_01_LEGS"] = "A_Leader_Advanced_01_LEGS" } }, [3] = "A_Leader_Advanced_01_LEGS", [4] = "Leader", [5] = "Coins" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteFunctions.BuyItemFunction:InvokeServer(unpack(args))
How to Use Script in Secret Neighbor
The process of using scripts in Roblox Games is quite comprehensible.
So before delving into the execution of scripts in games on Roblox, you’d require the services of a Roblox exploit.
There are many of such executors in existence. From Hydrogen, Fluxus, Synapse X, Vega X, Magma, Evon, Krnl, Electron and a plethora of them.
So if you haven’t sideloaded any exploit on your gaming device, head over to the web. While there, select one that can propel you to the desired destination.
Wait for the download and installation process to complete. Then head over to Roblox and launch Secret Neighbor followed by the executor earlier installed.
Now from the list above copy and paste the script of your choice into the script option in the exploit.
Next, tap on the Attach or Inject button, then click on Execute and wait for the script GUI to pop-up.
Lastly, select and activate the hacks you desired to enable.
Voila! You’ve successfully implemented the Secret Neighbor copy and paste Script Pastebin.
Final Words
So if you do not like the hard gameplay in Secret Neighbor, the aforelisted hack will grant you an upper hand and enable you experience a wonderful gameplay.