ULTRAKILL Cheat Code guide. So if you’re looking to get UltraKill Cheats and Codes that will enable you Unlock ULTRAKILL’s full potential, here’s all ULTRAKILL Cheat Codes to make use of.
ULTRAKILL is a quick-fire throwback FPS that combines skill-based scoring from character action games with pure devastation from the best shooters of the 1990s. In this game, you have to use a variety of devastating weapons to dismember your enemies, then cover yourself in their blood to regenerate health.
For the unaware, UltraKill is a captivating experience that features a fast-paced gameplay, spectacular shooting mechanics, and a wonderful soundtrack. However, for a fruitful gameplay devoid of hassles, you’re better off utilizing ULTRAKILL cheats and codes.
So without further deliberations, assuming you intend finding some special cheats that that will teleport your imagination to the next level, here’s a list of cheat codes for ULTRAKILL game to activate right now.
Cheats for ULTRAKILL abound and here’s a list of all currently valid ULTRAKILL codes you can activate upon enabling the cheat menu in-game.
Due note that you can activate some cheats in all game modes while others can only be activated in the Sandbox mode.
Cheat Code List

Before you input the following cheats, press the ~ [Tilde] key and then enter cheat codes for the desired effect.
INFINITE WALL JUMPS –> Jump infinitely.
NOCLIP or FLIGHT –> Fly mode without collision (use space and control for vertical movement).
BLIND ENEMIES –> Enemies become blind.
DISABLE ENEMY SPAWNS –> No more enemies, no more problems!
NO WEAPON COOLDOWN –> Removes the cooldown time.
TELEPORT MENU –> Displays a menu containing all of the current mission’s checkpoints.
GET THE SPAWNER ARM –> Gives a new weapon, that spawn enemies!
KEEP ENABLED –> Locking the cheats even if you close the game (no need to re-enter the codes).
Optimize UltraKill Cheat Codes
The following UltraKill cheat codes are basically for optimization. Amongst the notable features of these cheats is to enhance the game’s shooting mechanics, fast-paced gameplay, and exceptional soundtrack.
These cheats are divided into categories; UltraKill Sandbox Cheats, Meta Cheats, general cheats, movement cheats, weapon and enemy cheats.
UltraKill Sandbox Cheats
Quick Load: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
Quick Save: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
Enemy Navigation: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
Manage Saves: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
Spawn with Physics: Key ‘J’
Clear map: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
Snapping: Key ‘H’
UltraKill Meta Cheats
Keep Cheats Enabled: Key ‘O’
UltraKill General Cheats
Fullbright: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
Spawner Arm: Key ‘P’
Teleport Menu: Key ‘L’
UltraKill Movement Cheats
Noclip: Key ‘V’
Infinite Wall Jumps: Key ‘N’
Flight: Key ‘B’
UltraKill Weapon Cheats
Infinite Power-Ups: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
No Weapon Cooldown: Key ‘C’
UltraKill Enemies Cheats
Disable Enemy Spawns: Key ‘I’
Blind Enemies: Key ‘M’
Invincible Enemies: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
Kill All Enemies: Activate in Cheat Menu (No key bind)
UltraKill Cheats: How to Activate?
To enable cheats in UltraKill;
• Enter a level and activate the cheat menu using the Konami code; UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A [↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A] (Keyboard only, not WASD).
° After entering the code, a warning message appears about rank and Cyber Grind high score.
• Now go ahead and press ‘Activate Cheats’.
• With that done, ‘CHEATS ENABLED’ message will appear.
Note: Some cheats require key binds while others need activation from the cheats menu. In such case, (press home or ~ buttons).
So that’s it on the valid and working cheat codes for ULTRAKILL game. If you’ve a suggestion to make or you know of other cool cheats, shoot us a message via the comments section and we’ll do the needful.